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Sothebys 1994 Animal Bronzes, Scottish Sporting Paintings


Sotheby's - Edinburgh
Sale title - Animalier Bronzes, Scottish and Sporting Paintings, Drawings and Watercolours
Date - 30th August 1994
No. of lots - 713
No. of pages - 201
Illustrated in colour and black & white

Damage to spine

INDEX Arson, A.A. Adam, J.D. Adam, P.W. Alexander, E.J. Alken, H.T. Allan, R.W. Ansdell, R. Armfield, E. Armfield, J. Armour, M.N.N. Barye, A. Barye, A.I. Berré, J.B. Bofïll, A. Bonheur, I. Bonheur, R. Brown, C. Bureau, L. Bain, D. Ballantine, M. Ballingall, A. Bannatyne, J.J. Barber, J.M. Barnard, M.B. Bell, J.C. Bellany, J. Black, A. Blackadder, E. Bliss, D.P. Bough, S. Briggs, E.E. Brown, V.B. Brown, W.B. Brown, W.M. Burlison, C . Burr, A.H. Cain, A.N. Cartier, T.F. Cadell, F.C.B. Cairns, R.D. Cameron, D. Cameron, H. Cameron, K. Cameron, Sir D.Y. Campion, G.B. Cassie, J. Cleminson, R. Coleman, E. Collins, H. Conventry, R.M. Cowie, J. Crawford, E.T. Crosbie, W. Cubley, H.H. De Vains, H.R. Delabrierre, P.E. Du Passage, A.M.G. Dubucand, A. de Breanski, A. de Prades, A.F. Dighton, R. Dixon, A.P. Dohson, H.J. Docharty, J. Douglas, S.J. Downie, J.P. Drummound, j. Dudgeon, T. Duke, A. Eardley, J.K.H. Earl, M. Edward, S.T. Emms, J. Faed, T. Farquharson, D. Farquharson, J. Faulkner, J. Fenwick, T. Fergusson, J.D. Flint, Sir W.R. Foggie, D. Forbes, A. Foster, M.B. Frazer, W.M. French, A. Fulton, D. Fulton, S. Fiot, M.L. Fratin, C. Fremiet, E. Froment Meurice, J. Gayrard, P.J.R. Guradze, H. Gamley, A.A. Gauld, D. Gibson, W.A. Giffòrd, J. Giles, J.W. Gilfillan, T. Gillies, Sir W.J. Glass, W.M. Graeme, C. Graham, A.S. Graham, P. Gray, G. Greenless, J. Gudgeon, R. Holt, J. Hall, H.R. Hallswelle, K. Hamilton, J. Hamilton, J.W. Hammond, W.D. Hardy Jnr, J. Harrison, J.C. Harvey, M.R.H. Hatman, A.B. Hayes, M.A. Hayman, A.B. Heath, W. Henderson, J. Henderson, J.M. Jacque, C. Jacquemart, H.A.M. Lavroff, G. Lecourtier, P. Leduce, A.J. Luxton, R. Masson, J.E. Mene, P.J. Moigniez, J. Navellier, E.F.E. Pautrot, F. Peyre, C.R. Riche, L. Rouillard, P.L. Threed, W. Troubetzkoy, P. Wiles, G. Henry, G. Herald,J.W. Herdman, R. Herdman, R.D. Hislop, A. Hold, A. Hold, T. Horlor, G.W. Hornel, E.A. Houston, G. Houston,j.A.P. Howson, P. Hunter, C. Hunter, G.L. Hurt, L.B. Hutchison, R.G. Jamieson, A. Jarman, H.T. Jekins, A.H. Jenkins, W. Johnson, C.E. Jones, C. Kay, A. Kay,J. Kemp, J. King, J.M. Knight, A.R. Lamond, W.B. Landseer, Sir E.H. Lauder, C.J. Lauder, R.S. Lees, C. Lodge, G.E. Lorimer, J.H. Lyne, M. Lyon, H. MacGeorge, W.S. MacKay, W.D. MacNec, R.R. Macnee, Sir D. MacTaggant, Sir W. MacWhirter, J. Mann, A. Mann, H. Mansion, L. McGhie, J. Mclntyre, J.W. McKay, T.H. McKay, W.D. McLellan, A.M. McPhail, R. McTaggart, W. Melville, A. Millikeii, R.W. Millward, A. Milne, J.M. Milne, W.W. Morris, A. Morris, J. Morris, M. Morrocco, A. Muir, A.D. Muirhead, J. Munro, A.G. Murray, J.R. Nasmyth, A. Nasmyth, C. Nasmyth, P. Noble, J.C. Noble, J.S. Norie, 0. Oppenheimer, C. Orr,J. P**, EA. and P**, D.H. Park, J.S. Paterson, J. Paton, F. Paton, W.H. Patrick, J.M. Peploe, S.J. Philipson, Sir R. Pirie, Sir G. Pitman , j. Poole, J. Pratt, W. Prowett, J.C. Pryde,J.F. Ramsay, A. Redpath, A. Reed, B. Reid, G.0. Reid,J.G. Reid, R.P. Reid, Sir G. Richardson, J.I. Rickman, P. Riddell, J. Roberts, J. Robjent, R. Roche, A.I. Roe, C. Rolfe, H.L. Scott, Sir P. Scottish School Shanks, W.S. Short, G.A. Simkin, R. Simpson, W. Smith, G. Smythe, E. Southgate, F. Steell, D.G. Steell, G. Stewart, W. Stokes, G.V. Stuart, C. Sturrock, A.R. Swan, C.E. Tayler, J.F. Terris, J. Thorburn, A. Traquair, P.A. Tunnicliffe, C.F. Turner, G. Turvey, S. Wallace, H.F. Walls, W. Walton, E.A. Wardle, A. Warren, C. Watson, R. Webb, B. Wells, W.P.A. Whymper, C. Williams, J.F. Wilson, P.M. Wingate, Sir J.L. Wishart, P. Wolf, J. Wolf, J. and Whymper, C. Wood, F.W. Woodhouse, W. Woolnoth , C.N. Wylie, K. Young, A. Aberfòyle Algeria Angus Antibes Arbroath Harbour Argyllshire Arran Coast Arran Auchmithie Ayrshire Ballater Banff Ben Dearg Ben Errihemi Ben Lomond Benderloch Benvie Burn Berwick-upon-Tweed Blairmore Brittany Buteshire Cadzow Forest Cairo Campsie linn Cap d'Antibes Cap Ferat Carse of Gowrie Cefalu Connemmara Bay Corrie Dalnottar Hill Damayat Dinard Dumbarton Drunkeld Eden Roc Edinburgh Eilcan Donan Castle Elibank on Tweed Essex Finzean Firth of Forth Flocklones Fondachello Forest of Birse Forlàrshire Forrest of Ennich Fowlis galloway Gare Loch Gartucharn Glencoe Glenesk Glenmuick Greenhill Park Hampstead Holkham Beach IIe de Brehat Invergarry Inverkeithing Iona Islip Jardin de laixcmnbourg Kilmnorack Kintra Kylcs of Lochalsh Lake Como Loch Creran Loch Erichi Loch Etive Loch Goil Head Loch Lomond Loch Long Loch Ness Loch Tay Lockalsh Lossie River Lower Largs Luxembourg Gardens Machrihanish Maryland Melrose Menmuir Monument Station Moray Firth Mull of Kintyre North Bcrwick North Wales Perthshire Pitlessie Pitlochry Pittenweem Polperro Harbour Princes Street Provence River Tay Rome Roslin Rosshire Rossic Priory Saintonge San Roque Skye South of France Sutherland Tarbert The Clyde The Devon The Esk The Thames Turnberry Castle Venice Weardale West Coast of Scotland Westminster Abbey Whitby

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  • SKU: 40247
  • Shipping Weight: 650g
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Auction House: Sothebys
  • Condition: Damaged

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